
It was eight years ago that our Pastor called Sis. Sandra Ramsay, Sis. Paulette Carty, Min. Paul Bailey, Sis. Glasmin Brown and Sis. Andrea Thomas into his office to discuss his current vision of having a school that teaches the word of God in our New York district. He labored over the prospect of sending valuable men and women away, where the United Pentecostals Church International (UPCI) currently has schools. He also desired to cater to our local assembly who wanted a Bible School education but could not for varied reasons. With this passion burning in his heart he conveyed his thoughts to those gathered.

January 17th 2006 gave birth to this vision in the form of the Oneness Apostolic Bible Institute (O.A.B.I.) with classes starting on January 19th 2006. Ten students registered in a three year prescribed diploma course, and so began a journey that culminated with the first graduating class on October 12, 2008.

Sis. Ramsay was very instrumental in laying the groundwork and pulling together all the varied facets of running an institution. She was responsible for compiling the by-laws, the curriculum, hosting staff and faculty meetings, the catalogue and much of the advertising for the inaugural launch of the institution.

Dr. Trevor Neil has helped to give guidance to the committee and reviewed our proposal and gave valuable feedback. Under the auspices of the Genesis Institute, O.A.B.I. has flourished into a very prestigious institution. The school offers courses such as: Hermeneutics, Eschatology, The Life of Christ, Personal Spiritual Disciplines and Ethics, Management and Leadership. The faculty is knowledgeable and most of the teachers have earned their Masters Degree. Our Chancellor, Pastor Thomas and our Dean of Students, Bro. Bailey have helped to set the standard very high and it is reflected in the courses that are offered by the school.

This institution is grateful to God for what has been accomplished thus far, and look forward to many years of success.